Shower Storage. We all need storage for everyday items in the shower. But, our golden rule is to remember the shower is a shower. The shower is not a storage closet. Only keep essential items in the shower…the fewer the better. The best options for storage are not concealed. Therefore, everything can be easily seen. The idea is to create an understated, yet convenient, place to keep essential items without detracting from the overall shower design.
There are generally two storage options to consider: a recessed niche or shower shelf. The idea of recessing a niche into the wall for storage is a great one. The niche helps organize items and the recessed placement suggests it is not the focal point. While the shower shelf does keep the products in view, it also provides a more modern approach to the shower storage dilemma. The type of shelf matters here. The best option for installation is to mount the shelf behind the tile. This gives the shelf incredible support so you’ll never worry about it falling. Also it is the best way to create the most seamless look. But, if you choose the shelf option, you must remember a few simple rules.
No prizes awarded. There is not a prize for how many bottles of shampoo or how many bars of soap you can collect on the shelf.
Make the hard choice. Limit essential items to no more than 3 or 4.
Clean. Clean. Clean. Always keep the shelf neat and tidy.
After all, the.goal was to help those essential products disappear, not become the focal point of the shower. The key to making the shower shelf work is keeping it clean and simple.
Here are some tips to consider for the shower niche:
Don’t forget where the niche is located. Remember, the niche is a part of the shower wall itself.
The niche is not special. The niche should not receive any special treatment or decorative tile. Simply allow the wall material (tile or slab) to flow “into” and “out of “ the niche.
Using decorative or contrasting material does not serve you well here. Save the cost of the decorative material itself
and the subsequent labor charge. Those funds should be saved and reallocated for better use. After all, the entire idea of the niche is to help conceal items…not highlight them. Using the same shower wall material in the niche creates a seamless design and allows the eye to easily flow across the shower walls.
One last thought, pouring any liquid products into matching containers instead of storing them in their original packaging makes an incredible difference. It is a very simple task with an amazing outcome.